Social Psychology

Attitudes Toward Welfare in the UK

Rale J. Dawtry, and Robbie M. Sutton - University of Kent, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

In this survey we are interested in your thoughts about the welfare and benefits system in the UK. You will complete a series of questionnaires concerning your attitudes and beliefs about the welfare system, and answer some questions about yourself (e.g., your political attitudes, media use and knowledge).

Love, Life and Memories

Alex Blake and Tiffany Osumah - University of Surrey, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

You will be asked to think about past events in your life and to then describe your feelings associated with this event. You will also asked be asked to complete questionnaires about your current relationships. In order to participate you must be in a current romantic relationship which has a duration of 6 months or more.

Abortion Attitudes and Family Decisions Survey

Sandra Virgo - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

If you take part, you may be asked some questions in three areas: death, living a long time and losing things. You are free to stop participating in this study at any time.

What is important to you?

Jessica Rea - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

By participating in this study, you could help us gain insight into: – how people adjust to major life events. – how to improve support programmes. – how relationships with others impact on psychological factors. All information provided will be securely stored and not shared with any third parties.

An Investigation Into the Role of Sensory Processing on Eating Preferences and Social Behaviour

Claire Donner - University of Bath, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

It is a 10-15 minute online questionnaire looking at 5 separate domains; social behaviour, eating preferences, sensory processing, mood and attention.

Personality Differences in Eating and Health Related Behaviours

Olga Szewczyk, Kara Murray and Kasia Banas - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

In this study, you will be asked to complete questions asking about personality, involvement in different activities and food preferences. You will then be asked questions about your eating and exercise habits. You also be asked to provide some demographic information. This study requires only male participants. All participants must be 18 years of age or older. All participant responses will be completely anonymous.

Perceptions of Victims of Sexual Violence

Laura Scurlock-Evans, Dr Bere Mahoney and Dr Michelle Lowe - University of Worcester, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

You are invited to take part in a short anonymous survey which asks about how you feel and think about people who have experienced sexual violence (any unwanted sexual act or activity). You will not be asked about any personal experiences of sexual violence that you may have had.

Environment Contingent Preferences: Exposure to Visual Cues of Peaceful or Violent Images and Homosexual and Heterosexual Men and Women’s Preferences

Claire Clifford - Stirling University, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

This research begins with a brief section of questions which can be left blank if so desired, other than questions concerning age, sex, nationality, ethnicity and sexuality. The questions ask about what participants think about their own appearance, and physical measurements (height/weight) and for females, contraceptive and menstrual informat ion. All information is kept anonymous. Participants will then be shown a slideshow of various images. They will then look at images of faces and bodies of the preferred sex and decide between two versions which they find more attractive, and by how much.

Single Females Dating Study

Dr Eric Robinson - University of Liverpool, UK.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

Short study examining dating preferences in which we are looking for single females to take part.

The Effect of Humor on Implicit Bias

Jade Sanders and Joel Weinberger - Adelphi University, USA.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

Participation in this study will require completing a series of tasks on a secure online platform. After the completion of the tasks you will watch a stand-up routine. After the stand-up routine you will do a repeat of the tasks you were previously asked to complete. When you are done with your tasks you will be asked to fill out demographic information. Some participants will only be given a series of tasks to complete without the stand-up routine. Must be 18 years or older. Must be able to read and understand English. Must have audio during study.

Goal Survey

Betty Chang and Thomas Webb - The University of Sheffield, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

You are invited to take part in a study looking at how people assess their progress on one of their personal goals. Some examples include of goals include: going to bed by 11pm, saving money, staying in touch with friends, exercising more. Your details will remain completely confidential.

Judgement of Conduct

Dr. Wing Yee Cheung - University of Southampton, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

This is a social psychology study related to people’s judgement about different moral scenarios.

Interpersonal Memory Processes

Dr. Janice Kelly, Megan McCarty, and Nicole Iannone - Purdue University, USA.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

A short survey investigating memory processes in friendships and romantic relationships. We are only interested in male responses at this time.

The Effect of Faking on the Correlational Structure of the Big 5

Dr Jeromy Anglim, Nick Himonas and Aaron Day - Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study aims to examine how the structure of personality tests changes when people deliberately respond to personality test items both in a deliberately positive and deliberately negative way. The study will also examine how the nature of any changes varies across two different personality tests.

An Investigation into Thoughts and Worries

Christopher Thresher-Andrews - Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

A short 15 minute survey to complete a short word game, and some questions about your thoughts, worries and personality as well as your thoughts about the world

Attitudes Towards Singing in the Context of Behaviour in Social Situations

Anna Zienkowska - City University London, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This research investigates the relationship between how we feel towards singing and how we feel in social situations. It creates an opportunity to address the question of why people define themselves as unable to sing and why some people feel less confident in this respect than others.

The Psychological Qualities of Home Places

Stephanie Wilkie - University of Sunderland, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

This is a study on places which are considered as home and the characteristics that make them a home. You will be asked to provide some general information about yourself, where you lived in the past, and complete several questionnaires indicating the appropriateness of each item to home.

Refining the ECR-R

James Clarke, Graeme Ditchburn and Lynn Priddis - Murdoch University and Curtin University, Australia.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

Exploration of the psychometric properties of a refined version of a popular self-report measure of attachment constructs.

Friendship Dynamics

Loren Abell and Dr. Gayle Brewer - University of Central Lancashire, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This study is investigating why individuals may stay in friendships that are characterised by negative interactions.

Experiences of Second generation Immigrants

Dr. Sana Sheikh and Mujeeba Ashraf - University of ST.Andrews, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

We invite you to participate in a research project exploring conflicts experience by second-generation immigrants. Second-generation immigrants are individuals whose parents immigrated to a new country (e.g., the United Kingdom) OR those who immigrated to a new country when they were young.

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