Social Psychology

The Impact of Original Culture and Acculturation on Perceptions of Parents and the Self

Heena Patel and Marina Rachitskiy - Regents University London, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study aims to investigate the impact of culture on perceptions of your parents and your self. Research will investigate how parenting can effect the offsprings’ personal characteristics which may inhibit or activate progress in many areas in life. Participants should currently live in the UK.

The Credibility of Online Reviews

Bokyung Um and Ryan McKay - Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

A survey on the credibility of online reviews.

Gaming and Worldview

- Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

Survey study looking at the differences between how gamers and non-gamers perceive different groups within society. I need both gamer and non-gamer participants.

A Study of the Effects of Ethnic Identity, Microaggressions, Cognitive Complexity, and Racial/Ethnic Identity Development on the Construct of Differentiation of Self

DeShae Davis - Stephen F. Austin State University, USA.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

The purpose of the research is to understand individualss capacity to manage emotional reactivity and act thoughtfully under the stress of experiencing racial/ethnic microaggressions (subtle, everyday instances of racism) and how their ability to do so relates to their cognition and their ethnic identity development.

Tests of Interpersonal Relationships

Daniel Hughes and Dani Sulikowski - Charles Sturt University, Australia.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study is concerned with the nature of interpersonal relationships and the emotional factors than can affect them. Participation involves reading a vignette and answering questionnaires about your feelings about interpersonal relationships and about your attitudes towards others and their relationships.

How Good are you at Understanding Women’s Nonverbal Cues?

Massil Benbouriche - University of Montreal, Canada.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

You are being asked to take part in a research study on men’s abilities to understand women’s nonverbal behaviour. Your answers will help us select a certain number of video clips in order to develop a set of validated video clips for future research.

Almanac of Helping Behaviours

Natalia Kominiarczuk and Eamonn Ferguso - University of Nottingham, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

This is an invitation to take part in a research study on perception and beliefs about various types of helping behaviours. We are interested in examining how individuals assess different helping behaviours in terms of (i) cost, (ii) riskiness, and (iii) normativeness and how this related to one’s emotionality.

Motivation for Playing Video Games

Devin Mills and Nancy Heath - McGill University, Canada.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study examines motivation to play video games. Video games includes casual games played through online gaming and social network sites as well as games played on cell phones and other mobile devices.

Motivations for Playing Video Games

Devin J Mills and Nancy L Heath - McGill University, Canada.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study will examine individuals’ motivation to play video games. The definition of video games includes casual games played through online gaming and social network sites as well as games played on cell phones and other mobile devices.

Possible Selves and Health Behaviours

Meghan Campbell, Lisa Mask and Fuschia M. Sirois - Bishop's University, Canda.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

How does thinking about a possible future self affect your health behaviours now? We’re looking for women aged 18 to 65 to complete an online survey. Your responses will be anonymous and for participating you will be helping out a current Bishop’s University honours student with her research.

Decision Making Task

Allison Nayder - Central College, USA.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study is looking at individual differences in decision making.

The Effect of Media on Women’s Body Image

Earnestine Shantari - Anglia Ruskin University, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

I am conducting this study to investigate the relations among the media’s thin-ideal concept and social comparison tendencies (upward and downward appearance), and to determine how these factors may predict body satisfaction in females.  In particular, I will be looking at whether higher or lower levels of body satisfaction are due to downward or upward appearance comparisons. This research hopes to contribute to knowl edge about how the media’s thin-ideal contributes to either higher or lower levels of comparisons leading to either higher or lower levels of body satisfaction.

Charitable Donations in Humanly-Caused Disasters

Nihan Albayrak and Hanna Zagefka - Royal Holloway University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This study is about charitable donations. There is no exclusion criterion except age. All participants must above the age of 18 can fill out this short questionnaire. Hopefully, results of this study will be used to improve the living conditions for the victims of humanly-caused disasters.

How do Unconscious Processes Effect how People Relate to One Another?

Jade Donaldson - University of East London, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

The aim of this research study is to see if there are links between unconscious processes and the extent to which people are affected by difficulties in relationships. Which influence thoughts, feelings and behaviours in our minds that we are often not aware of.

If you agree to take part, you will be given a link to a questionnaire. The four parts of the questionnaire ask you about your experiences of 1. Close relationships; 2. Your interpretations of people’s facial expressions; 3. Your awareness of imagery, ideas and emotions; and 4. Difficult experiences in relationships.

Play FIFA online?

Charlotte-Rose Carlisle and Linda Kaye - Edge Hill University, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

As part of my 3rd year Dissertation I am looking into the positive impacts of digital gaming which will provide a valuable insight with regards to social identity and gaming. If you play FIFA online please click on the link below for further information.

Success and Personality

Erika Koch - St. Francis Xavier University, Canada.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

open to individuals who have been in a romantic relationship for at least four months

Experiences of Research Participation

Gayle Brewer and Sarita Robinson - University of Central Lancashire, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

The current study investigates perceptions of research and ethical issues, including those factors which may motivate people to take part in research studies.

The Effect of Prior Contact and Perceived Status on Perceptions of Contact

Tina Keil and Dr. Miriam Koschate-Reis - University of Exeter, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

We are seeking British UK-nationals to participate in an online study about how people perceive various contact situations within an intergroup context. The survey contains descriptions of different situations and you will be asked to rate how much you think these situations are an example of contact with non-British people.

Individual Differences in Sarcasm Comprehension

Gaby Quezada - University of Nottingham, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

A quick questionnaire looking at how people understand sarcasm. There is also a personality questionnaire at the end to complete! Participants should be over 18, speak English as a first language and have no diagnosis of a developmental disorder.

Please tell us about your Goals!

Harriet Baird, Dr Thomas Webb and Dr Jilly Martin - The University of Sheffield, UK.

Time to complete - 60 minutes.

We are interested in learning more about people’s goals – what they are and how people assess whether they are making progress towards them.

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