Past Studies

The Impact of Two Mindfulness Meditations on Mental Wellbeing

Charlotte Snape and Anna Pinto - Royal Holloway, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

The current study is interested in exploring the effects of two types of mindfulness meditation on mental wellbeing. The study involves completing a number of questionnaires about thoughts and feelings before and after a two-week period in which you will be asked to do daily 10-minute mindfulness practice.

Managing the Emotions of Others

Elizabeth Austin - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This project examines people’s preferred ways of changing the moods and feelings of others and how these are related to personality and emotional disposition. The results from this project will also be used to create a shorter, easier to use scale to measure managing other’s emotions.

Attitudes to Chronic Illness

Haffiezhah An-Nadiah Azlan - University of Sheffield, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This is a sign-up survey for an online study concerning attitude to chronic illness.As part of the research we will contact you to take part in the online study approximately 3 days after this sign-up survey.The study is password-protected and you will need the following password to log in: sign

Perceptions of Attractiveness

Janeli Olivera - Barry University, USA.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

This study examines womens’ perceptions of men’s attractiveness. Participants MUST meet the following criteria: ***FEMALES ***AGES 18-30 ***HETEROSEXUAL. Participants will view a serious of photos and complete a questionnaire, based on their perceptions of attractiveness.

The Effects of Mood-Relationship Interactions

Ketaki Thosar - University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study aims to explore the interactions between the attachment styles between a young person and the primary caregiver, self-compassion, depression and the effects these have on the perception of soothing.

News Article Writing Style and Social Behavior Study

Yzar Wehbe - Brunel University, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

I am seeking volunteers aged 18 and over, who live in London, to participate in an online study investigating relationships between news article writing style and social behavior. Volunteers will be asked to read a short news story and answer some questions about their likely behavior in hypothetical social situations.

Employee Engagement

Megan Edwards - Birkbeck, University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

This study is investigating employee engagement within the workplace, therefore you must currently be employed to take part.

Interpretation of Life Cycles

Matt Wood - Australian National University, Australia.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study investigates how people interpret and understand diagrams about the life cycles of animals. It is a simple survey, completely anonymous and open to anyone over 18 years old. You will be shown a life cycle diagram, then asked to answer some questions about it and about your background.

Perceived Supervisor Support and its effect on Attitudes to Work

Simon Manchester and Ylenio Longo - University of Nottingham, UK.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

This study seeks to uncover whether the relationship between perceived supervisor support and attitudes to work operates directly or through employees beliefs about their ability to do their job. Participants must be 18+ and currently employed, the study consists of three short questionnaires and some demographic questions.

Influences on Employee Behaviour at Work

Alanna Harrington - University of Manchester, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This research requires participants who are employed full or part time to complete a ten minute survey, asking about their personality and behaviour at work, and perceptions of their leader. There is an optional step to invite direct supervisors to participate also.

Work Resilience- Ressources to Deal With Work Stress

Angelique Harwig - University of Manchester, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This MSc dissertation project tries to identify and explore the role of a personal resource that people may have to effectively cope with work stress and that may reduce the detrimental effects. This may in turn help designing new interventions to prevent or diminish experienced stress

Attitudes Towards Offenders

Suchika Kumar - University of Surrey, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

You will be asked to read a short passage and answer a few questions about the person in the passage.

You must be British and 18+ years old.

Eating Behaviours and Reactions to Social Situations

Tara De Paoli - The University of Melbourne, Australia.

Time to complete - 1 hr 15 mins.

You will be asked a number of questions about your eating habits, emotions, social situations, and relationships with others. You will also be shown a number of faces and asked to identify which emotion is being displayed.

Critical Thinking

Sophia Arndt - National University of Ireland, Galway.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study is concerned with the critical thinking skills and how this relates to general critical thinking dispositions. Participants will be tested on their critical thinking skills from a variety of general critical thinking scenarios.

Eating Patterns and Preferences

Sydney Heiss, BA and Julia Hormes, PhD - University at Albany, SUNY, USA.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

Please consider taking a survey about eating attitudes and preferences. Everything is anonymous and you’ll be asked questions about your eating patterns as well as some general attitudes and behaviors.

Preference for Cannabis Use and its association with Individual Traits, Academic Performance and Cannabis Dependency

Evelyn Mulvin - University of Sussex, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

The study is about how cannabis use trends may relate to distinctions among measures most commonly associated with general cannabis use. The survey consists of questions on personal information including general drug use history, cognitive motivation and academic achievement.

Participants must be aged 18 and over and from the UK only.

A Cross cultural Study: Investigation of the relationship between the Body Dissatisfaction and Self-esteem of University Males: UK and Chinese

Xin Du - Heriot-Watt University, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

In this study, you will be asked to filling one anonymous personal information sheet and two scales: The Body Parts Satisfaction Scale for Men and The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale.

Volunteers are required if you are: Male and aged between 18 – 30 years. Chinese or British nationality (Chinese males should be living in UK for at least one year).

How does Imagery Make you Feel?

Alex Wilson, Dr Stella Chan, and Prof Matthias Schwannauer - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

Interested in mental imagery? This online survey includes a couple of fun, interactive imagery tasks, and a few questions about your thoughts and feelings. We hope you’ll find completing the tasks as enjoyable and thought-provoking as we do!

Cognitive and Emotional Factors Related to Intrusive Mental Imagery

Domonique Doyle, Dr. Geoff Lovell and Dr. John Parker - University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

Research project examining how cognitive and emotional factors are related to intrusive mental imagery. Please help me if you are >18 years of age and if you have completed ANY level of sport in your life at all.

Sense of Agency for Passive and Active Media Experience

Michael Hitchens and Vince Polito - Macquarie University, Australia.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

how participants experience the sense of agency (the sense we have of controlling our actions), when you play video games AND watch movies/TV. You will be asked questions about your experiences and preferences regarding video games, movies and TV shows that you enjoy

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