Cognitive Psychology

A Study of Human Reasoning

Gary Lavery - Queen's University Belfast.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

This study is an important part of a developmental investigation into deontic concepts and how such concepts are logically interrelated. Given that the development of deontic reasoning is poorly understood, I would encourage individuals who are age 18 or above to participate.

A Study of Human Reasoning

Gary Lavery - Queen's University Belfast.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

This study is an important part of a developmental investigation into deontic conditional reasoning. Given that the development of deontic reasoning is poorly understood, I would encourage individuals who are age 18 or above to participate.

Siblings Influence on Cognitive Abilities

Amy Collins - University of Sunderland, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of having siblings on cognitive abilities. Firstly, you will be asked a few questions on your gender, age, siblings and household income. You will then be directed to a mental rotation task and finally, a verbal fluency task.

Language and the Brain

Alex Jones and Dr Cristina Izura - Swansea University, UK.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

As part of a wider study on brain flexibility, I am conducting research on differences in the way certain information is processed by the brain in people that use one language (monolingual) compared to those that regularly use more than one (bilingual/multilingual. After answering a few short questions, you will be asked to complete one, short, computer-based task, responding to prompts on the screen.

Participation Requirements: Aged 18+ Monolingual participants: Fluent English speakers only. Bilingual participants: fluent in English and one or more additional languages.


Learing to Remember the Milk

Marcus Ferguson and Nicole Sugden - Charles Sturt University, Australia.

Time to complete - 60 minutes.

The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of different types of memory training on every day functional memory. The study involves a test of memory and a month of online memory training, followed by a memory retest.

Individual Factors Related to how People Think and Make Decisions

Annabel Broyd, Prof Ulrich Ettinger, Prof Paul Allen, and Dr Volker Thoma - University of East London, University of Bonn, Roehampton University, Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience (IoPPN), King's College London, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

The aim of the research is to investigate how people with different personality characteristics process information and think differently. It involves completing a few puzzles and questionnaires, and you’ll also get some feedback about your personality characteristics.

Eyewitness Memory Study

Francesca Farina - University College Dublin, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study investigates the cognitive factors that influence eyewitness memory. Participants will be asked to watch a 1-minute video and answer questions about the content of the video afterwards and again 7 days later. Participants will also completed short questionnaires on general memory performance and mood.

Goal-setting and Motivation

Alexandra Bergen, Simone Löppenberg and Katja Herrmanny - Universität Duisburg Essen, Germany.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

Trust and Decision-Making

Simone Erchov - George Mason University, UK.

Time to complete - 45 minutes.

Have you ever wondered what causes people to trust in some situations and not others? Help us discover what factors determine someone will respond to a situation demanding trust! You will complete an online task and a series of short surveys.

Recollection in Semantic Memory

Benjamin Newman and Akira O'Connor - University of St Andrews, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

Want to challenge your knowledge or practice for the local pub quiz? This is a very difficult set of general knowledge questions that will be used to examine specific cognitive processes at work in semantic memory.

Storii: How Online Presentations can Help Us Remember Names

Stephen Darling and Fiona Kelly - Queen Margaret University, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

We are interested in how people remember the names of people. We are presenting a number of different types of material with the aim being to see which is the best way to help people remember other peoples’ names.

Learning and Decision Making

Mariia Kaliuzhna - Macquarie University, Australia.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

You are going to help test an apparatus (using your computer mouse) by discovering what it does and how. You will then be asked several questions about what you have learned.

The Effects of Meditation on Cognition

Lasantha Jayasinghe - University of East London, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of meditation style on thinking processes. The study involves: demographic questions, a short 20-item questionnaire, a 20 minute meditation audio followed by some short questions and finally 3 cognitive tasks of around 3-5 mintues each.

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