The Effects of Family Environment on Cognitive Functioning, in an Uncertain Context
Ashleigh Cartwright - University of Worcester, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Participants are needed for a dissertation study looking at the effects family environment has on cognitive functioning. You must be over 18 to participate.
First Impressions
Isabel Scott and Andrew Clark - Brunel University, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
The aim of this study is to examine how a person’s views affect your first impressions of them. If you are at least 18 years old, you are invited to fill out the survey. All responses are anonymous, and you can leave the survey at any time.
What’s in a Face? Forming Impressions from Minimal Information
Isabel Scott and Andrew Clark - Brunel University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
The aim of this study is to examine whether people can guess facts about others using minimal information (i.e. facial appearance). If you are at least 18 years old, you are invited to fill out the survey. All responses are anonymous, and you can leave the survey at any time.
Perception of Dance Survey
Ernesto Monroy and Guido Orgs - Brunel University London, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This study examines people’s perception of dance and personal characteristics that may be related to the perception. Participants must be proficient in the English language, at least 18 years old, born and raised in the UK with both parents born and raised in the UK as well.
Gaydar and Attitudes to Homosexuality
Gayle Brewer and Minna Lyons - University of Central Lancashire and University of Liverpool, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
ou are being asked to take part in a study investigating ‘gaydar’ (i.e. identifying whether a person is gay or straight by appearance alone) and attitudes towards homosexuality. Participation involves rating facial photographs and completing a questionnaire. You must be over 18 years old to take part in the study.
Predictors of Pathological Gambling: The Theory of Planned Behaviour and Impulsivity
Donovan Berenger and Dr. Merv Jackson (supervisor) - RMIT University, Australia.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study is looking at the independent predictive strength of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (a cognitive model of behaviour) and impulsivity (a non-cognitive predictor of behaviour) on personal engagement in gambling behaviour.
Different People’s Moral Views and your Perceptions of them
Isabel Scott & Andrew Clark - Brunel University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
The aim of this study is to examine how a person’s moral views affect your perceptions of them. If you are at least 18 years old, you are invited to fill out the survey.
Different People’s Moral Views and the Impressions of Others
Isabel Scott & Andrew Clark - Brunel University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
The aim of this study is to examine how a person’s moral views affect other people’s impressions of them. If you are at least 18 years old, you are invited to fill out the survey.
Attachment, Self-esteem and Personality in Self-harm
Jennifer Drabble and Dr David Bowles - Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
You will be asked to complete a number of questionnaires which ask about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. You will also be asked to complete a brief arithmetic task
Dispositional Empathy and Judgments of Others’ Pain
McCaughey, L., Moodie, R., and Cunnington, R. - The University of Queensland, Australia
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between standard psychological measures of empathy and your own judgments when viewing pictures of a painful or non-painful situation of another person.
Moral Dilemmas!
Jon McPhetres and Jamie Hughes - University of Texas of the Permian Basin, USA.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
Participants will be asked to make quick moral decisions and then respond to 3 “brain teaser” questions , along with demographics
Discovering Gender Differences In Virtual Eyewitness Testimony Scenarios
Andrew Tong - Heriot-Watt University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
The presents study aims to understand the differences between how well men and women can recognise faces.
Judging Faces
Dr Christopher Watkins & Miss Sarah Robb - University of Abertay, Dundee, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study asks participants to rate pairs of faces for attractiveness and complete a short questionnaire about their personality.
Judging faces 2
Dr Christopher Watkins & Miss Sarah Robb - University of Abertay, Dundee, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study asks participants to rate pairs of faces for trustworthiness, and complete a short personality questionnaire.
Examining Individual Differences in Components of Empathy
Laurie Batchelder & Chris Ashwin - University of Bath, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
Participants aged 16 – 21 needed to validate a measure of empathy. The study includes three simple measures and tasks to be completed via the link provided.
Perceptions of Romantic Love
Sapphira Thorne, Peter Hegarty & Erica Hepper - University of Surrey, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
Romantic love is embedded in western culture and promoted through events such as love marriages and Valentines’ Day. However, what do people understand about romantic love? We are looking for participants to take part in a short study which will involve rating some features associated with romantic love.
Reflections on the Experience of Social Rejection
Daniel Waldeck, Dr Ian Tyndall and Prof. Nik Chmiel - University of Chichester, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
The purpose of this online survey is to explore how people reflect on experiences of social rejection and how different ways of thinking can lead to different psychological outcomes. This study has two parts. Part A- (approx 20-25 mins) and Part B (approx 3-5 mins sent 1 week after).
Social Behaviour and Individual Differences
Laurie Batchelder and Chris Ashwin - University of Bath, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This study aims to investigate differences in social and cognitive thinking and how these differences relate to various components of empathy. The study comprises of a few simple questionnaires and one task assessing social abilities.
Memories and Creativity
Katy Gillick, Dr Erica Hepper and Dr Paul Sowden - University of Surrey, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
We are investigating whether people’s memories are linked to creativity. Participants must be aged 18 or over.
Memories of Social Rejection
Waldeck, D., Tyndall, I. and Chmiel, N - University of Chichester, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This two-part survey aims to explore the psychological impact of feeling ignored or excluded by others, and the individual characteristics which may influence the extent to which people are impacted by such events. You do not necessarily need to have had such experiences to take part in this survey.