Sexually Explicit Material use, Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction in Females
Blossom Higson and Lubna Ahmed - St Mary's University College, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
You are invited to participate in a research study on SEM, sexual and relationship satisfaction.The purpose of this study is to examine sexually explicit material usage (SEM), relationship and sexual satisfaction in females in same-sex and opposite-sex relationships. This study is important as it will contribute wo what little is known of female Sexually explicit material use.
Only females within same-sex and opposite-sex relationships should be recruited.
Exploring the Relationship between Masculinity, Sociosexuality and Attitudes Towards Promiscuous Women
Mahtab Bayat - St marys university, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
You are invited to take part in a web-based online survey to explore the relationship between masculinity, sociosexuality (the willingness to engage in sexual activity outside of a committed relationship e.g. casual sex) and attitudes towards promiscuous women.
Sexual behaviour, Online Dating, and Personality
Evita March, Rachel Grieve, Peter Jonason and Jessica Marrington - Federation University, University of Tasmania, University of Western Sydney, University of Southern Queensland
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Voluntary, anonymous questionnaire designed to assess elements of sexual behaviour in association with online dating and personality. Participants must be aged 18 years and over, and participation will further the exploration of social and interpersonal relationships.
Exploring what Predicts Sexual Behaviour in Adults
Michael Walton - University of New England, Australia.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This PhD research aims to explore whether client typologies or profiles exist which may help explain adults’ sexual behaviour. Specifically, what personality traits may drive various sexual behaviours in adults.
Mate Quality
Eliza Hill, Danielle Sulikowski, Belinda Steward, Lucy Spora & Melissa Jackson - Charles Sturt University, Australia.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This survey asks you about your relationship history and attitudes towards relationships, along with some of your psychological and physical attributes. We are exploring the relationship between these attributes and your tendencies in relationships.
Body Image and Sexual Health in Women 50+
Bouaziz, A.R., and Reissing, E. D - University of Ottawa, Canada.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
This study explores how mature women relates to their body and whether it affects their sexual health. We are looking for heterosexual women over the age of 50 to fill out an online survey. Your participation will help develop interventions aimed at improving body image for women of all age.
Effect of Education on Viewing Explicit Images
Jay Sweifach - Yeshiva University, USA.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This survey is designed to better understand the influence of pornography on health and behavior, and to explore the relationship between pornography viewing habits and sex education received (from parents, school, or others).
To Groom or Not to Groom? Male Body Hair Grooming Practices
Dr Nicole Stone and Professor Roger Ingham - University of Southampton, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
The aim of this study is to explore to what extent young men aged under 30 remove hair from different parts of their bodies, including the genital region. The survey asks questions about your body hair grooming practices and includes personal questions about your sexual behaviour and sexual health.
Do Personal and Interpersonal Expectations Affect One’s Sexuality and Sexual Function?
Laura Nichola Harvey and Professor Joachim Stoeber - University of Kent, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
his study investigates how personal and interpersonal sexual expectations and beliefs affect one’s sexuality and sexual function. As a participant you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire containing sensitive personal questions about your sexual function and your personal and interpersonal sexual expectations and beliefs.
Postpartum Functioning
Jaclyn Cappell and Caroline Pukall - Queen's University, Canada.
Time to complete - 60 minutes.
We are looking for new moms who have given birth within the past year and are above 18 to fill out an online survey about postpartum functioning. We are interested in postpartum functioning in terms of the experience of pain, sexual functioning, relationships, etc. All information is confidential.
Underlying Mechanisms of Acquaintance Rape
Vanessa Barbara Thilman - Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This research aims to investigate modern myths about sexual aggression. It will investigate the possible underlying mechanisms of acquaintance rape and the concept of consensual sex. Further, it will investigate the level of sexual education regarding the issues of consent, alcohol and drug consumption, attire and communication.
Participants needed must be: – male, – heterosexual, – current bachelor students, – British nationals – and 18 years or older.
Investigating Men’s Sexual Practices
Shane Kraus and Harold Rosenberg - Bowling Green State University, USA.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
We are researchers studying men’s attitudes regarding pornography. To participate, you must be at least 18 years old, male, and have watched pornography at least once in the last six months.
What Factors Best Predict Intentions to Engage in a ‘Friends with Benefits’ Relationship?
Katherine Furness - Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
Within the last decade ‘friends with benefits’ relationships have become apparent. However, little research has been conducted investigating this type of relationship. The aim of this study is to assess which factors best predict intentions to engage in a friends with benefits relationship.’ Age range for participants to complete this study is between 18-29.
Rape Myths Influence Perceptions of Sexual Assault: Consequences for Mental Health
Katie Immerfall - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, USA.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This survey asks about your sexual experiences to determine what type of impact sexual assault has on mental health. You are eligible for this study whether you have experienced sexual assault or not.
This survey should include female participants, age 18 and over only!
Attitudes towards Relationships Study
Dr. Angela Weaver. - St. Francis Xavier University, Canada.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study explores attitudes towards relationships and sexuality. Anyone over the age of 18 can participate, regardless of relationship experience.
Exploring the Relationships between Personality, Mood, and Sexual Behaviour
Michael Walton and Dr Amy Lykins - University of New England, Australia.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
We are interested in understanding some of the factors that drive sexual behaviour. Specifically, this study is interested in determining whether personality traits and dysphoric mood states interact to predict sexual behaviour. This study also aims to evaluate whether sexual behaviour is associated with particular personality domains. Participants are required to be males over 18 years of age.
Online Survey of Beliefs about Relationships and Sex
Dr. Harry Reis and David de Jong, MA - University of Rochester, USA.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
In order to participate, you must be at least 18 years of age or older, and having sex with someone in either a casual or serious relationship.
Good Sex, Bad Sex: How do you Explain? For Men
David L. Rowland, Ph.D.; Beth Adamski, M.A., Amy Myers, M.A., and Cody Neal, M.A - Valparaiso University, USA.
Men 18 years and older: We would like to hear from you! Take this very brief survey looking at men’s sexual experience and explanations for their sexual response.
Attachment, Relationship Functioning, and Sexual Functioning
Christina Stefanou - Deakin University, Australia.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This study investigates differences in the way individuals think, feel, and behave in their romantic relationships. Dimensions that are explored include satisfaction, conflict, and intimacy for individuals in all types of relationships. This research will enhance our understanding of relationships and guide clinicians treating individuals that experience relationship problems.
Quality of Sex in Relationships
Amanda Shaw and Dr. Ronald Rogge - University of Rochester, USA.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
Psychology researchers at the University of Rochester are looking for people in romantic relationships (from dating to marriage, gay and heterosexual) to complete a short online survey. The goals of the project are to explore how the roles and quality of sex affect different facets of relationships over time.
Must be 18 years old or older and in a physically intimate relationship. Participants receive individualized feedback about how their relationships and sex lives compare to thousands of others! The study includes shorter, optional 1- and 2-month follow-ups.