Definition and Operationalization of Personality Traits
A. B. Siegling and K. V. Petrides - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 1 hour 30 minutes.
Web-based completion of personality and cognition related questionnaires and demographic information. No time restriction or appointment needed. Survey can be paused and resumed at a later time/date. For further information, please follow the study link.
All About Me: Personality and Memory
Erika Koch - St. Francis Xavier University, Canada.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
In this study you will respond to some questions about your personality, reflect upon a personal memory, and then respond to some questions about your reactions to the event that you remember.
Individual Differences in Memory Recall
Jo Bower, Dr Craig Steel and Dr Anastasia Christakou - University of Reading, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This study is recruiting people aged 16+ to investigate how individual differences affect recall of short film clips. You will complete some questions about yourself, then view a short video clip. Then we will ask you some questions about the video, and your responses to it.
Social Factors and Narcissism
Elizabeth Huxley - The Australian National University, Australia.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Currently little is known about how narcissism develops. This survey aims to examine how different social factors such as technology, social perceptions, stress and childhood experiences may influence the development of narcissism.
Nostalgia and Decision-Making
Dr. Wijnand van Tilburg and Jenny Grace - University of Limerick. UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This study aims to examine the link between nostalgia and decision-making. Nostalgia is a self-relevant and positive emotion which bolsters our self-esteem. While examining the link between nostalgia and decision-making, we also aim to examine the interaction between nostalgia and certain aspects of personality.
Personality Variability across Different Social Situations
Catriona Kelly and Professor Elizabeth Austin - University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
The survey is investigating the predicted link between how people vary their behaviour in social situations and personality traits. These traits include Self-monitoring, Machiavellianism, Impression Management, and Authenticity, which are characterised by changing behaviour to match situations. Previous research has observed a link between personality variability and lower psychological well-being.
Personality and Romantic Relationships (Females)
Loren Abell and Gayle Brewer - University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study investigates how personality influences romantic relationships. You must be female, over 18, heterosexual and in a current romantic relationship (of one year) to take part.
Personality and Romantic Relationships (Males)
Loren Abell and Gayle Brewer - University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study investigates how personality influences the dynamics of romantic relationships. You must be male, over 18, heterosexual and be in a current romantic relationship (of at least one year) to take part.
Individual Differences in Risky Decision Making
Panos Papaeconomou - Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Study Description: People differ in the way they resolve simple every day decisions involving diverse choices and uncertainty, and these differences are often described as differences in risk attitude. This survey explores people’s preference choices and contrasts them with weighted models of decision making under risk.
The Dark Triad in relation to Commitment and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships
Sophie Fields - Northumbria University, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
I am looking for people that are currently in a relationship and aged 18-60 years to take part in my survey for my dissertation. My study is about certain personality traits and whether or not they affect commitment and/or satisfaction levels in romantic relationships.
Personality Traits and Romantic Relationships
Alice Thompson - Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This is a multiple choice questionnaire study investigating links between individuals’ personality traits and the quality of their romantic relationships. If you are aged over 18 years, and are interested in taking part, please follow this link to the online study.
Changing the Moods and Feelings of Others
Elizabeth Austin - University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This project examines ways of changing the moods and feelings of others and how they relate to personality and emotional disposition.
Personality and Emotions
Wing Yee Cheung - University of Southampton, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This is a social psychology research related to personality and feelings
An In-depth Analysis on Personality Traits
Elyse Rochelle Turner - James Cook University Townsville, Australia.
Time to complete - 20-30 minutes.
You are invited to take part in a research project exploring individual differences in personality traits. You will be asked to complete a survey battery consisting of five relatively brief questionnaires.
Exploring Personality Patterns in Personal Preferences Towards Interests, Communicating, and Social Habits
Aja Murray and Michael O' Donnell - University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This project examines people’s personality patterns, with a particular focus on personal habits and preferences in communication skills, interests, and social skills.
Women’s Sexual Self-Concepts
Hollie Baxter and Dr. Peter Raggatt - James Cook University, Australia.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Evaluating women’s attitudes, behaviours and beliefs in regards to their sexuality. Understanding how women view themselves as sexual beings and the forces involved in shaping one’s sexual self-concept. This survey is anonymous and participants may choose to not answer any questions they find uncomfortable.
How do we Change the Moods and Feelings of Others?
Michael Martin O'Donnell and Elizabeth Austin - University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This project examines peoples’ preferred ways of changing the moods and feelings of others and how these are related to personality, emotional disposition and life satisfaction.
Past Experiences and Personality Survey
Craig A. Smith - Vanderbilt University, USA.
Time to complete - 1 hr 15 minutes.
This is an anonymous survey in which you will be asked to describe and rate a past experience you originally found to be stressful. In addition, you will be asked to complete several personality measures.
Personality and Social Factors in Late Adolescent Substance Use
Kaidy Stautz - Goldsmiths, University of London, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This is a prospective study exploring how personality traits relate to alcohol and cannabis use. Participation involves two testing sessions. The first session will take around 20 minutes; the second will be in three months time and will take around 10 minutes. Both can be completed online.
Personality, Positive Mood, and Dark Disposition
Vincent Egan, Del Paulhus and Dan Jones - University of Leicester (UK) & British Columbia (Canada).
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
We want to see the degree to which positive personality and states relate to general personality and the more negative aspects of disposition.