The Relationship between Childhood Experiences of Trauma and Personality
Carie Woollard - University of East London, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
The aim of the current study is to establish if there is a relationship between Childhood Trauma and Personality. As part of the study you will be asked to complete two online self-report questionnaires. The first questionnaire will be on traumatic childhood experiences. The second will be a personality test.
Differences In Humour
Jade Hooper, Dr Tracey Platt, and Dr Willibald Ruch - University of Zurich, Switzerland.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
International research on humour
Romantic Relationships and Personality
Dr. Adam Moore and Felix Suessenbach - The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This study tests whether or not personality predicts types of romantic relationships.
Personality and Romantic Relationship Break Ups
Gayle Brewer and Loren Abell - University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
You are being asked to take part in a study investigating personality and romantic relationship break-ups. Participation involves completion of two personality questionnaires and one questionnaire about a relationship in which you wanted to break-up with your partner.
Aggression, Empathy, Social Dominance Orientation and Homophobia
Steven Flint - Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
A short (max. 15 minutes) survey on personality traits and beliefs. All help would be appreciated as it would get me one step further to completing my dissertation.
Personality and Relationship Experiences
Anna Chattaway and Dr Nadja Heym - Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This research study is investigating the extent to which certain personality traits are associated with different views and experiences of romantic relationships.
Personality and Behaviour in Friendship Dyads
Loren Abell and Gayle Brew - University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
The study is investigating personality and behaviour within same-sex friendships. It requires you and a friend to complete the questionnaire separately. You will not be able to see each other’s answers.
The Perception of Interpersonal Behaviour
Kai Li Chung - Edinburgh Napier University, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
The influence of individual differences on the perception of interpersonal behaviour. Two phases: Today you will complete two questionnaires. Based on your scores you may be invited to participate in phase2 via the e-mail address that you provide. You will be asked to read six short stories and answer questions.
Personality and Behaviour in Romantic Relationships
Gayle Brewer & Loren Abell - University of Central Lancashire, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study will ask you about your personality and your behaviour with your romantic partner. You must be over 18 and in a romantic relationship of at least 6 months to take part.
Academic Perfectionism in Undergraduate Students and Scholars: A Comparison of Perfectionistic Tendencies
Rory Boutilier and Leanna Closson - Saint Mary's University, Canada.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
The survey asks about the perfectionistic tendencies an individual has while working on academic pursuits; other questions ask about work engagement, personality, mood and life satisfaction. There is also a short demographic form at the beginning of the survey.
Personality and Changing Other’s Moods
Elizabeth Austin - The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This project examines people’s preferred ways of changing the moods and feelings of others and how these are related to personality and emotional disposition.
Relationship Dissolution Study
Dr Christopher Watkins and Cheryl Sloan - University of Abertay, Dundee, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This study is intended for single individuals. Participation simply requires that you fill in a few questionnaires about your own personality and your perceptions of your most recent (dissolved) romantic relationship.
Personality and Environmental Attitudes
Andrey Barsky and Professor David D Clarke - University of Nottingham, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
A study measuring personality and how different people think about the environment. Simple questionnaire with a small amount of reading. At the end you are provided with a detailed description of your personality traits.
Development of New Personality Scale Construction Method
A. B. Siegling and K. V. Petrides - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
This study is of a psychometric nature and its purpose is to develop a new scale construction method. You will be asked to provide demographic information and complete questions related to aspects of your personality, as well as to nominate an informant to rate you on 25 characteristics.
Personality-Based Decision-Making Study
Shelby-Jo Ponto and Pat Converse - Florida Institute of Technology, USA.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This study looks at personality, decision-making, and goal pursuit behavior. Participation in this study may contribute to the understanding of basic aspects of goal pursuit and personality that have implications for explaining and predicting a wide variety of behaviors.
Measurement of Trait Mindfulness
A. B. Siegling - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
This study seeks to validate a new measure of people’s baseline mindfulness. Participants will be asked to complete psychometric measures and a few basic demographic questions. The survey takes 30-45 minutes and participants have up to one month to complete it from the same computer and browser.
Personality and Mood Over One Month
Noelle McAra - University of Abertay, Dundee, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
A questionnaire study examining mood and personality factors over one month. Male participants are asked to complete the questionnaire 3 times over the course of one month leaving 7 – 10 days between responses.
Passionate Dogma? Why Conservatives Sceptical about Climate Change Dismiss Belief-Threatening Scientific Abstracts
Thomas Curran - University of Gloucestershire, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
Brief survey on personality and attitudes toward climate change science. Your help is appreciated.
Definition and Operationalization of Personality Traits (Trait Mindfulness)
A. B. Siegling & K. V. Petrides - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 1 hour 30 mins.
Web-based completion of personality and cognition related questionnaires and demographic information. No time restriction or appointment needed. Survey can be paused and resumed at a later time/date. For further information, please follow the study link.
Associations between Dispositional Optimism and BMI by Exploring Healthy and Dysfunctional Eating Habits
Shamim Vohara - University of East London, UK.
Time to complete - 5
The study will take approximately 15 minutes and consists of filling out some questionnaires online, no personal details will be collected. This project aims to investigate the relationship between dispositional optimism and BMI by exploring healthy and dysfunctional eating habits. It’s open to anyone over the age of 18.