Past Studies

Exploring Young People’s Understandings of the Health consequences and (Short and Long Term) of Eating Behaviours

Aspasia Ftenou - University of the West of England , UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

The purpose of this study is to explore perceptions of the health consequences of eating behaviours among young people living in the UK by completing a quick survey. You will be asked to write about your understanding of healthy and unhealthy eating and your own eating behaviours.

Personality, Behaviour, and Location-Based Real Time Dating (LBRTD) Applications

Dr Evita March and Alexandra Slocum - Federation University, Australia.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

This study is on personality and behaviour within Location-Based Real Time Dating (LBRTD) Applications such as Tinder, Grindr and Happn. It will investigate narcissism and antisocial behaviour on these applications, looking at self-esteem and gender as predictors of antisocial behaviour.

Understanding Decision Making

Jazz Croft and Dr. Paul Hutton - University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

How do you make Decisions? A research team at the University of Edinburgh invite you to participate in a short online study about decision making. With your help, we can get an insight into an important aspect of everyday life.

Participants must be living in the UK and aged between 18 and 65 years old

Personality, Wellbeing, and Belief in Own Capacity Among Workers

Reza Pribadi and Tom Bailey - University of Nottingham, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This project is about personality and its relationship with work exhaustion among workers. In addition, we want to see if worker’s belief in their capacities to do his/her job plays an important role in the relationship between personality and work exhaustion.

Can Adverse Experiences with Online Dating be Predicted from Message Content?

Megan Davis and Professor Kevin Browne - University of Nottingham, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This study requires participants who have used online dating sites or apps and met at least one person face to face using this method. The survey will ask questions about your online dating habits, message content and what occurred on your last face to face date.

Personality and Stress: How do You Cope?

Karlien Paas, Dr Claire Hart, Dr Erica Hepper, and Professor Constantine Sedikides - University of Southampton, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

How do you cope with stressful or difficult situations? Different people will answer this question differently – but how is your ability to deal with stress affected by your personality and how does stress affect your experiences in everyday life? This is a 3 part diary study, with 6 surveys. This study requires you to answer a questionnaire every 3 days, for the next 15 days. We will contact you via email for each subsequent part of the study

Relationship Behaviours

Rachael Robnett, Ph.D and Carrie Underwood - University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

The study focuses on how people behave in relationships. Specifically, we would like to learn more about the types of behaviors people engage in to prolong their romantic relationships.

A Cross-cultural Study of the Perception of Fairness in the Selection Process

Marianne Fousse - University of Limerick, Ireland.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study is a cross cultural study, comparing the perception of fairness of French and Irish college students. The idea is to study the differences and similarities in their reactions to different selection methods in order to assess if this methods could be used abroad.

Supervisory Behaviour and Subordinates’ Well-being

Barbara Minich - University of Nottingham, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

You wish your supervisor would be more supportive and understanding? Answer a short questionnaire about supervisory behaviour and subordinates’ well-being.

Impacts of Pediatric Cancer on Sibling Relationships

Dr.Sabrina Brinson and Dawn Brown - Missouri State University, USA.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study seeks to determine factors that impact sibling relationships when one child has been diagnosed with pediatric cancer. In particularly, investigating the understanding of healthy siblings between the ages of 10 and 18 years old regarding the shift in family resources and about their social and emotional well-being

Women and Mathematics

Hannah Streck, supervised by Jennifer Sheehy-Skeffington - London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

Participants must be women, aged between 18 and 35. This study involves taking a maths test and well as completing psychological scales.

The Relationship between the Fear of Death and Ability to Predict

Sandra Teodor - University of Liverpool, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

You are invited to participate in a study investigating a relationship between the fear of death and ability to predict.

For participants who speak English, are aged between 18 and 60, are not suffering from hypochondria.

Evaluating the Clarity of Psychology Research

Dr. Steven Caldwell Brown - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

In this study, you will rate a series of short summaries of psychological research projects on how clear and informative you find them to be. You will be also be asked to highlight your general understanding of science, responding to a series of True or False questions.

Consumer Decision Making and Rationality

Andreea Oniga - University of St Andrews, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

A very short study exploring consumer decisions in an environmental context and aspects of rationality. All you have to do is answer a few questions.

Exploring Team Dynamics in Organizations

Reece Bush-Evans, Dr Claire Hart and Dr Sylwia Cisek - University of Southampton, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

The aim of this study is to examine how individual team members’ personalities, in addition to the general dynamics of the team, can influence team effectiveness. You will be asked to complete some questions about your personality traits, the team you work in/have previously worked in, and your general feelings

Effects of a Gratitude Intervention

Carmen Schultz and A/Prof John Malouff - University of New England, Australia.

Time to complete - 60 minutes.

Participants need to be at least 18, and in a romantic relationship of at least 3 months. The study consists of a short questionnaire, an activity for you to complete over the following three weeks, and then another short questionnaire. Some will complete a follow up questionnaire 2 months later.

Public Attitudes Towards the Efficacy of Treatment for Different Types of Sex Offenders

Jessica Seddon (MSc student) and Dr Sandra Flynn - University of Manchester, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

Public attitudes into the efficacy of treatment for different types sex offenders Involves reading a short story and answering a questionnaire.

UK residents aged 18+ only.

An Investigation into Variability in Personality

Neil Grant - University of Glasgow, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

This study aims to investigate variability in personality. Specifically it aims to investigate personality variability in general, as well as across different roles (friend, son/daughter, worker) and mood states. It also aims to investigate links between personality traits and levels of variability in personality.

Making a Mind Up: Evaluations of the Events Depicted in the Netflix Series ‘Making a Murderer’

Dr. Steven Caldwell Brown - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

In this study, you will be asked a series of questions about how and when you watched ‘Making a Murderer’, what you think of the trial (and the outcome) as well as questions on wider world events and a brief measure of personality. There are no right or wrong answers.

How do we Make Judgments About Others Based on Brief Information on Their Beliefs?

Dr. Steven Caldwell Brown - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

This study involves rating a fictional person on a short personality instrument and assessing how likely they are to behave in certain ways, as well as creating a short summary of that person by writing about your impression of that person in your own words.

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