Employee Engagement
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
This study is investigating employee engagement within the workplace, therefore you must currently be employed to take part.
This study is investigating employee engagement within the workplace, therefore you must currently be employed to take part.
This study seeks to uncover whether the relationship between perceived supervisor support and attitudes to work operates directly or through employees beliefs about their ability to do their job. Participants must be 18+ and currently employed, the study consists of three short questionnaires and some demographic questions.
This research requires participants who are employed full or part time to complete a ten minute survey, asking about their personality and behaviour at work, and perceptions of their leader. There is an optional step to invite direct supervisors to participate also.
This MSc dissertation project tries to identify and explore the role of a personal resource that people may have to effectively cope with work stress and that may reduce the detrimental effects. This may in turn help designing new interventions to prevent or diminish experienced stress
How is your relationship with the organisation you currently work for? And the manager you work with? We would like to hear from you to help understand and improve relations between employees and managers.
You wish your supervisor would be more supportive and understanding? Answer a short questionnaire about supervisory behaviour and subordinates’ well-being.
The aim of this study is to examine how individual team members’ personalities, in addition to the general dynamics of the team, can influence team effectiveness. You will be asked to complete some questions about your personality traits, the team you work in/have previously worked in, and your general feelings
The purpose of the current study is to investigate the association between job and relationship conflicts and pressures and how these conflicts predict satisfaction levels. Furthermore, questions pertaining to people’s relationships will be asked. Also, the amount and type of feedback someone receives at work will be studied.
This study explores the relationship between the ‘dark triad’ traits of personality (narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism) and several aspects of job performance, such as task performance, contextual performance and counter productive work behaviour. This research also takes into account how mental toughness possibly influences this relationship.
The following survey aims to examine retail employees’ experiences of expressing and managing emotions at work. There are no right or wrong answers, so please answer as honestly as possible.
Study investigating recruitment strategies and hiring patterns, aiming to improve work-life balance among women.
We are conducting a study looking at whether the way people evaluate their own abilities relates to how much they work and how much alcohol they drink.
We are conducting a study looking at whether the way people evaluate their own abilities relates to how much they work and how much alcohol they drink. You must be at least 18 years old and currently employed to participate.
The study is exploring bystander behaviour in workplace bullying scenarios. I’m interested in seeing if bystanders react to bullying in the workplace in a certain way and what potential personality factors could contribute to this.
Anyone who is over 18 and has had experience working as part of a team (of 3 or more people) can take part.
Looking at the burnout and psychological well-being of staff who support individuals with learning disabilities and learning disabilities and challenging behaviour and considering the role of personality
This survey aims to investigate how certain personality and work environment characteristics influence the motivation to engage, and the actual engagement in innovative work behaviours. It is of great academic and practical interest to identify the best combination of emplo yees’ characteristics and workplace environment that will boost the innovative performance of the employees.
Workplace engagement has been shown to correlate strongly with performance, well-being, and burnout; these are also influenced by personality. Consequently, I wish to investigate the relationship between the big five personality traits (conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to experience) and the three components of engagement (vigour, dedication, and absorpt ion).
You must be over 18 and not have a pre-existing anxiety disorder to participate in this study. Requires you to listen to 20 minute audio file then to complete 6 questionnaires. Investigating interviewee competence in telephone interviews and the influence of interview experience.
The study aims to explore whether employees’ perceptions of justice in their workplace can have an impact on their feelings. We will be examining whether employees’ work-related justice perceptions relate to their feelings about work and in turn how these feelings impact their ability to ‘switch-off’ after work.
A survey on how and why employees use (or not use) technologies (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) to perform work-related tasks during their non-work time.