Health Website Advice for Common Stomach or Bowel-related Problems
The purpose of this study is to find out peoples’ views of “Gut Instincts” – a website providing advice for dealing with mild and common stomach or bowel-related problems.
The purpose of this study is to find out peoples’ views of “Gut Instincts” – a website providing advice for dealing with mild and common stomach or bowel-related problems.
An online questionnaire investigating the health outcomes of adjusting to a relationship breakdown.
I am investigating the reasons why people do or do not have a Chlamydia test, using the Extended Theory of Planned Behaviour.
A short online questionnaire that investigates the relationship between health promoting behaviours and health beliefs. If you are aged 18 years or over, I invite you to participate in this study.
This study will examine the challenge of living with chronic pain. Your responses will inform us about different styles of adjustment which may inform approaches to treatment and management.
This questionnaire assesses the drinknig practices of 16-24 year olds and asks them to think about how to reduce their drinking.
You are invited to participate in an interesting 5 minute survey examining personality type, cognitive learning styles in relation to common medical facts and myths.
We are interested in how personality and individual differences are related to health and lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to pilot (try out) some new questions, that might be used in future research studies.
This study investigates the relations between emotions, mindfulness and eating attitudes. The study takes on average 10-20 minutes.
A short online questionnaire that examines how people think and feel about their favourite snack.
An online questionnaire exploring the impact of stressful life events on psychological health and well-being
The purpose of this study is to examine whether particular managerial styles, levels of perceived support and job satisfaction can predict symptoms of burnout in healthcare professionals. An online questionnaire will explore the experiences of healthcare professionals, including stress, relationships with colleagues and managers, support and work, and views on employment.
Investigates the impact of relationships on stress and coping. Involves completing an online survey, and then completing the same survey 3 months later.
The purpose of this study is to examine how attitudes about physical activity and past activity participation relate to current exercise habits.
The study is interested in finding out more about the thoughts, feelings, and life experiences of people who live with chronic illnesses.
The survey is considering the relationship between perceived health risks and grooming behaviours
If you get an error message please re-direct to the psychdata home page ( and type 132972 in the survey number box on the top right. The survey password is – grooming
This survey is on how worrying relates to personality. It is part of a research project on thinking and emotion
My research involves examining the effectiveness of the new UK smoking picture warnings. This online questionnaire involves examining attitudes to each individual warning, rather than looking at the warnings as a set
“The Internet Doctor” – a website that gives you advice on how to manage cold and flu symptoms. You need to have cold or flu symptoms to take part
15 minute survey asking people with Type 1 diabetes about their views about diabetes and their general approach to life