The Mind Reading Quotient
Joshua Hartshorne - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
How well can you understand what other people are thinking, what they are trying to do, or what they are trying to communicate. Test your skills, and see how well you do against the average person.
The Vocab Quiz
Joshua Hartshorne - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
Take a difficult vocabulary quiz. How well do you know English?
Storytelling: Ways and Means
H. A. Green - London School of Economics, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This study investigates how variations in language effect how stories are told. This task involves both reading and writing.
Association Strength Rating
Shao-Min (Sean) Hung - Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This research aims to understand the semantic relations between a two-word structure and a single-word structure.
Experiences of Memory 2
Radka Jersakova and Akira O'Connor - University of St Andrews, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
In this study you will be presented with a series of 120 words, 80 new and 40 that will be repetitions. You will be asked to indicate whether a presented word is old or new. At various points during the study you will also be asked about your memory experiences.
Memory for General Knowledge Information
Radka Jersakova and Richard Allen - University of Leeds, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
In this study we are piloting a set of general knowledge questions to use in further research. We are interested in finding out how easy or hard they are (how likely people are to know the answer) as well as find out whether some are more emotion eliciting than others.
Cognitive Predictors of Belief in Conspiracy Theories
Khilen Nathwani and Viren Swami - University of Westminster, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
We are studying the potential link between cognitive styles and belief in conspiracy theories. There are a 7 scales which are measured using questionnaires
Face Perception Online Study
Stephanie Lay - The Open University, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
I am interested in emotions and expressions and I want to understand more about how faces are processed when they display different emotions. This study involves looking at images of faces online and either answering questions about them or using them in a drag and drop activity.
Attention and Memory Game
Mara Mather and Michiko Sakaki - University of Southern California, USA.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
15 min experiment to see how people pay attention to and remember images.
Subjective Awareness of Memory
Helen Williams - University of Richmond, USA.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
I am interested in people’s awareness and justifications about how accurately they remember something. You will see justification statements that participants made when they thought they recognised a word in an experiment, your task is to decide which category their justification falls into from: Remember, Know, Familiar, Guess.
Akira O'Connor and Radka Jersakova - University of St Andrews, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
In this experiment you will complete a memory task and at various points during the study you will be asked about your memory experiences. At the end of the study you will receive a breakdown of your memory performance and a full debrief.
Thinking Style and its Relation to Spontaneous and Preplanned Behaviour
Alan Wing and Marek Sinason - University of Birmingham, UK.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
This study examines the differences between individual thinking styles particularly in relation to spontaneous or pre-planned behaviour. You will be asked to complete a series of short questionnaires including questions about decision making, mood, and the degree to which statements represent your approach to short and long term decisions.
Memory Advice for Words
Akira O'Connor - University of St Andrews, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
A short memory test with feedback to tell you how good your memory is. This word memory experiment tests how well you incorporate advice you are given about your memory into your memory decisions. (PC, Mac, iOS & Android).
Continuous Causal Learning
Ahmad Azad Ab Rashid and Marc Bühner - Cardiff University, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This study further expands causal learning investigations on continuous data. Participants will need to complete only one section of causal strength judgment between two consecutive events. Participation is totally voluntary and anonymous.
Causal Learning on Continuous Dimensions
Ahmad Azad Ab Rashid and Marc Bühner - Cardiff University, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This study further expands causal learning investigations on continuous dimensions. Participants will need to complete only 6 questions on causal judgment. The participation is totally voluntary and anonymous.
Reality Monitoring and Inner Speech
Jane Garrison - University of Cambridge, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
We are investigating the relationship between reality monitoring (our ability to distinguish between imagined information and that arising from experience) and different varieties of inner speech (the sub-vocal conversations we have with ourselves).
Memory Game
Mara Mather and Michiko Sakaki - University of Southern California, USA.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
If you participate in this study, you will play a simple memory game where you will see many images and be asked to remember them. This study is for only for people who have NOT participated our memory game before.
Memory Game
Michiko Sakaki and Mara Mather - University of Southern California, USA.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
Study on how you remember visual images: If you participate in this study, you will play a simple memory game where you will see many images and be asked to remember them.
Study of Causal Learning on Continuous Data
Ahmad Azad Ab Rashid and Marc Buehner - Cardiff University, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This study expands causal learning investigations on continuous data. Participants will involve completing one section of causal strength judgment between two consecutive events. The participation is totally voluntary and anonymous.
Sgt PCMan Experiment Game
Dr. Steven Glautier - University of Southampton, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
A psychology experiment in a simple game format. You play the part of Sgt PCMan on a mission to kill off game clones. Can you learn what you need to do to stay alive?