The Impact of Two Mindfulness Meditations on Mental Wellbeing
Charlotte Snape and Anna Pinto - Royal Holloway, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
The current study is interested in exploring the effects of two types of mindfulness meditation on mental wellbeing. The study involves completing a number of questionnaires about thoughts and feelings before and after a two-week period in which you will be asked to do daily 10-minute mindfulness practice.
Eating Behaviours and Reactions to Social Situations
Tara De Paoli - The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Time to complete - 1 hr 15 mins.
You will be asked a number of questions about your eating habits, emotions, social situations, and relationships with others. You will also be shown a number of faces and asked to identify which emotion is being displayed.
How does Imagery Make you Feel?
Alex Wilson, Dr Stella Chan, and Prof Matthias Schwannauer - The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
Interested in mental imagery? This online survey includes a couple of fun, interactive imagery tasks, and a few questions about your thoughts and feelings. We hope you’ll find completing the tasks as enjoyable and thought-provoking as we do!
Emotions and Sharing Negative Thoughts
Kaighley Wells-Britton and Dr Laura Simonds - University of Surrey, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
Intrusions are thoughts, images or urges that enter your mind suddenly. I am focusing particularly on negative intrusions (e.g. an image of doing something bad to someone else). I want to find out how people feel about negative intrusions and whether this influences whether they would tell others about them.
The Relationship between Mood and Nutrition in Adolescents
Sundus Khalid - University of Reading, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
First part of a three part study looking into the relationship between food and mood in adolescents (16-18 year olds). This questionnaire involves questions on mood, feelings and physical activity.
Exploring Factors in the Development of Disordered Eating
Alyx Hamilton-Smith and Hanna Eilers - The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This study investigates moderating factors in the development of disordered eating behaviours. It aims to examine the interaction between several variables (e.g. perfectionism, risk and protective factors, attachment, childhood trauma), and the extent to which these in turn play a role in the development of disordered eating.
Self-Harm, Mindfulness and Emotion Management
Hilary Norman - Middlesex University, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This study explores why some people self-harm, and how this relates to the way we experience and manage emotions. It will compare rates of rumination, mindfulness and alexithymia (the ability to identify and describe one’s emotions) in people with a history of self-harm with those who have never self-harmed.
The survey is open to all adults, with or without a history of self-harm.
Family Stress and Coping
Sophie Jordan and Dr Jon Mason - University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This study is about the effects of separation on distress and well-being. You need to be over 18, and be currently or previously separated/divorced to participate.
Understanding Decision Making
Jazz Croft and Dr. Paul Hutton - University of Edinburgh, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
How do you make Decisions? A research team at the University of Edinburgh invite you to participate in a short online study about decision making. With your help, we can get an insight into an important aspect of everyday life.
Participants must be living in the UK and aged between 18 and 65 years old
Eating Disorder and Early Adverse Sexual Experiences: The Role of Schemas and Coping
Aili Nidsjo, Dr Simon Duff and Prof Kevin Browne - University of Nottingham, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This is a study looking at different ways that people think about themselves and cope with difficulties. The study is focusing particularly on how this relates to food-type difficulties and early adverse sexual experiences, but would also like to hear from people with no such experiences.
Students Willingness to Seek Help for Common Mental Health Problems
Olivia Gordon - Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
Short online survery looking at attitudes towards seeking help for mental health problems.
Must be under 25 years old, and preferably a student.
Do Individuals with Perceived Food Intolerances and Functional Somatic Syndromes Reveal Similar Personal Characteristics?
Cassandra Hornsby-Waide - University of Oxford, UK.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
This study is investigating the symptoms, cognitions, memories and ways of coping of people with asthma, food intolerance/allergy, IBS and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Participants with one of these conditions are particularly needed, however healthy controls are also required.
The Effect of Personality, Exposure to Aggression on Coping Strategy Selection and Professional Quality of Life Among Healthcare Professionals
Danielle Dunnett - University of Chichester
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
The current study aims to contribute to our understanding of the individual characteristics under a specific stressful event that may influence healthcare providers coping strategy selection and professional quality of life.
Psychological Predictors of Eating Behaviours
Marta Grzywacz - National Univerisity of Ireland, galway, Ireland.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
This study sets out to examine the links between a range of psycho-social factors e.g. aspects of personality and well-being, and risk of developing an eating disorder in the future. As part of the study the participant will be be required to answer standardised questionnaires.
Understanding Experiences of Betrayal or Broken Trust in Relationships
Kemi Komolafe and Rakhi Shah - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This anonymous on-line study seeks to understand people’s experiences of betrayal and broken trust in their relationships. Betrayal experiences are particularly relevant for people with a diagnosis of personality disorder. We hope to understand the impact and discover possible treatment options to ease the distress betrayal causes.
Ethical, Training, and Security Considerations for Telepsychology: A Survey of Psychologists
Dr. Jason Murphy - Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, USA.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Current views on ethical, training, and security issues related to e-therapy/telepsychology. We hope to produce the first large, broad-based survey of current educators’ and clinicians’ views on this increasingly relevant topic in our field, as well as contribute to the conversation about e-therapy best practices.
Self-disgust and its relationship with Early Childhood Experiences and Self-harm
Theresa Schwaiger and Clare Drea - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This is a novel research project into the emotion of self-disgust. Participants with and without mental health problems are sought. We are interested in experiences that may lead to high levels of self-disgust (i.e. adverse early childhood experiences) and experiences that may results from self-disgust (i.e. deliberate self-harm).
Watching Movies and Experiencing Empathy
Philip Bender - Adelphi University, USA.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
This study explores the emotional impact of movies. You will complete a series of measures, watch a short movie or play some online games, and then respond to more questionnaires. You will be asked to provide descriptions of yourself and another important person in your life.
Assessing Adult Pathological Demand Avoidance
Vincent Egan, Phil Christie, & Elizabeth O'nions - University of Nottingham; University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
Pathological demand avoidance (PDA) is a facet of the autistic spectrum identified in some children. The current study seeks to validate a measure this condition in adults using self-report measures, test the reliability of the measure, and check external of the validity to measures of personality and autistic spectrum systematising.
An Exploration of the Role of Self-Compassion and Mindfulness in Relation to the Experience of Distressing Voices
James Dudley, Dr John Mulligan and Dr Catrin Eames - University of Liverpool, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
Study exploring the relationship between mindfulness, self compassion and distress for people who hear distressing voices. The study is looking to recruit people who hear voices and involves completing 5 questionnaires.