Current Studies

Why do you do Kegel Exercises?

Emilie Gravel - University of Ottawa, Canada.

Time to complete - 5 minutes.

We seek to better understand the reasons why women perform Kegel exercises. We are looking for a) women, b) over the age of 18, c) who are currently practising Kegel exercises.

Decision Making – Birth Order Effects on Personal Values

Anat Bardi and Neil Griffiths - Royal Holloway University of London, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

By answering 40 values related questions and providing details of your family size and birth order you will help us understand how family dynamics impact upon our psychological development and the cognitive biases that affect attitudes to change and decision making in later life.

Evaluation of a Tool to Help People Appraise Symptoms and Decide When to Seek Medical Help

Julia Mueller - University of Manchester, UK.

Time to complete - 15 minutes.

People with respiratory symptoms like coughing and breathlessness often wait for several months before seeing their doctor. We have developed an online tool that can help people decide if they need to see a doctor and we need people to help us test it

Motives for Liking Content on Facebook

Ana Levordashka - Leibniz Institut fuer Wissensmedien (IWM), Germany.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

We are interested in the prevalence different motives for Liking content on Facebook.

The Reliability of the Vulvar Pain Assessment Questionnaire (VPAQ)

Emma Dargie, Caroline Pukall and Susan Chamberlain - Queen's University, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

Female participants needed for a confidential online study to test a questionnaire that will help health care professionals assess symptoms of chronic vulvar pain. Participants must regularly experience vulvar pain, be 18+ years old, and read/write in English. Participation typically takes 15-30 minutes per part of the study.

Impression Management

Isabel Scott and Andrew Clark - Brunel University, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

The aim of this study is to examine how a person might present themselves to influence other people’s impressions of them. If you are at least 18 years old, you are invited to fill out the survey. All responses are anonymous, and you can leave the survey at any time.

Eating Patterns and Psychological Characteristics in Adults with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and/or symptoms of ADHD

Panagiota Kaisari - University of Birmingham, UK.

Time to complete - 45 minutes.

We are interested in learning more about the eating patterns of individuals with and without ADHD and/or symptoms of ADHD and exploring what factors determine these eating patterns. If you are between 18-60 yrs old with or without ADHD please help us by completing this survey.

How Sharp are your Cognitive Skills ?

Kentaro Toyama and Vaishnav Kameswaran - University of Michigan (USA)

Time to complete - 5 minute.

This is a study to determine the impact of different web layouts on a users cognitive abilities.

The Impact of Positive Mood on Working Memory

Lucy Wallace - University of Derby, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

Participants complete 2 mood surveys and 2 working memory tasks before undergoing a mood induction procedure (film/text). They then complete a short mood check and 2 further working memory tasks.

Couples Overcoming Stressful Life Events

Vidushi Khatri - Bond University, Australia.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

I am recruiting couples who have experienced a stressful life event(e.g. cheating, a job loss, wedding planning, birth of a child, illness, bereavement), in order to identify strategies that help couples cope with stress. Your participation in this study will require you and your partner to complete an online questionnaire.

To participate in this study you will need to be over the age of 18 years and should have been in a relationship (dating, married or de-facto) for over 3 months.

Personality and Lie Detection in Suicide Notes

Minna Lyons & Susan Giles - University of Liverpool, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

In this short study we are investigating aspects of personality and the ability to distinguish between real and fake suicide notes.

Self-disgust and its relationship with Early Childhood Experiences and Self-harm

Theresa Schwaiger and Clare Drea - University College London, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

This is a novel research project into the emotion of self-disgust. Participants with and without mental health problems are sought. We are interested in experiences that may lead to high levels of self-disgust (i.e. adverse early childhood experiences) and experiences that may results from self-disgust (i.e. deliberate self-harm).

Personalities in “Desert Island” Stories

Minna Lyons & Artemis Voutsinou - University of Liverpool, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

This study is investigating how people perceive the personalities behind written stories about being shipwrecked on a deserted island. Participants will be asked to rate the personality characteristics behind the narrator of each story.

Distressing Events Survey

Erifili Efthymiadou - The University of Edinburgh, UK.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

We all experience various stressful events during our lifetime, which may impact on our psychological well-being and quality of life; the impact of such events, however, may vary considerably between people. This questionnaire study was designed to help us understand which factors determine the way people respond to distressing events.

Mother-Infant Relationship Study

Vesna Begic - Monash University, Australia.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

We are seeking research participants for a study of mother-infant relationships. If your baby is under 12 months old your experiences are important to us. The research aims to validate a clinical screening tool to be used in maternal child care centres and other early parenting services.

Short Health Survey

Claire Stevens - University College London, UK.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

Take part in a short health questionnaire studying reasons why people engage in activities that affect their health and how some people might be encouraged to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Decision Making and Health information

Sinead Moylett and David Hevey - Trinity College Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

The study aims to investigate decision making and health information. If you are at least 18 years old, you are invited to fill out the survey.

Attitudes about Alcohol Consumption, Eating Behavior, and Body Image

Beau Diehl - Walden University, USA.

Time to complete - 10 minutes.

The study consists of questions related to eating, drinking, and body image behaviors.

To participate in this study, participants must be: • An English-speaking male or female • At least 18 years old • An individual who exercises at least once a month • An individual who consumes an alcoholic beverage at least once a month • A resident of either the United States or the United Kingdom.

Emotion Activation, Personality and Health

Heitor B. F. Fernandes, Dr. Claudio S. Hutz, Dr. Aurelio José Figueredo, Dr. Leif E. O. Kennair, Dr, Daniel J. Kruger - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Time to complete - 30 minutes.

Fill out multiple-choice questions about the emotions you generally experience, your concern over present and future problems and goals, some of your personality traits, and your general health.

An Exploration of the Role of Self-Compassion and Mindfulness in Relation to the Experience of Distressing Voices

James Dudley, Dr John Mulligan and Dr Catrin Eames - University of Liverpool, UK.

Time to complete - 20 minutes.

Study exploring the relationship between mindfulness, self compassion and distress for people who hear distressing voices. The study is looking to recruit people who hear voices and involves completing 5 questionnaires.

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