Inge Kersbergen and Matt Field - University of Liverpool, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
This study aims to test the effect of price information on willingness to pay for alcohol products. You will see different brands of alcohol and will be asked how much you’re willing to pay for them.
Rebekah Dervley, Dr Vincent Egan and Dr Ruth Tully - University of Nottingham, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
This study aims to compare two groups of men: men who are known to the police for committing internet sexual offences and men who have not committed sexual offences on some key psychological measures. It is hoped this research will help inform the development of treatment/assessment of internet offenders.
Aili Nidsjo, Dr Simon Duff and Prof Kevin Browne - University of Nottingham, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
This is a study looking at different ways that people think about themselves and cope with difficulties. The study is focusing particularly on how this relates to food-type difficulties and early adverse sexual experiences, but would also like to hear from people with no such experiences.
John Barry, University College London and Tamika Roper - The Open University, UK.
Time to complete - 10 minutes.
Lots of people enjoy going to the barber or hairdresser as much for a chat as to look good. This anonymous and confidential survey asks people about the wellbeing benefits of a trip to the hairdresser/barber. You can find out the overall results of the study around Dec 2017.
Karlien Paas, Dr Claire Hart, Dr Erica Hepper, and Professor Constantine Sedikides - University of Southampton, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
How do you cope with stressful or difficult situations? Different people will answer this question differently – but how is your ability to deal with stress affected by your personality and how does stress affect your experiences in everyday life? This is a 3 part diary study, with 6 surveys. This study requires you to answer a questionnaire every 3 days, for the next 15 days. We will contact you via email for each subsequent part of the study
Anna Kasunic and Geoff Kaufman - Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
We are looking for people aged 18+ who are interested in participating in AN online study where you will be asked to take a photo of yourself and answer a series of survey questions.
Lisa Jayne Walker - University of East London, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
Are you currently delivering psychological interventions in the NHS as a trainee OR qualified: clinical psychologist, counselling psychologist, psychotherapist, family therapist, CBT therapist, HI therapist, counsellor, PWP, GMHW or assistant psychologist? If so please complete this survey as part of an under-researched and important topic.
Robert Schutze, Clare Rees, Helen Slater, Anne Smith and Peter O'Sullivan - Curtin University, Australia.
Time to complete - 45 minutes.
Participating in this research involves filling out several questionnaires related to pain. Most of the questions are multiple choice, asking you how much you agree or disagree with different statements.
Sharon Abraham - Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
PART1:Starts with a questionnaire (<10 minutes). You will be asked to study a Parable’s meaning in its applications to the situations and circumstances in your own life PART2.
Part 2 of the study can only be attempted after ONE week. You will be asked to complete a short questionnaire (<3 minutes).
Mia Vainio - University of Nottingham, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
The aim of this study is to better understand how different aspects of well-being are related to each other across people, and how people evaluate themselves. The study has various well-being questionnaires to fill out requiring self-reflection of one’s everyday experience.
Dr Wnedy Iredale and Lucy Alton - Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
You are invited to participate in a study exploring the attractiveness in the form of an online questionnaire. During the study you will view a dating profile and then be asked a series of questions about the profile. These questions may involve short answers, yes or no responses or using a rating scale.
Madison Clement and Anna Stone - University of East London, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
The interest of this research is to look at how different faces are perceived. The task will involve looking at faces and you will be asked to make a simple decision and answer a questionnaire. The images used in this study might be unusual to some participants.
Claire Murray - University of Limerick, Ireland.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
I’m completing my thesis on gender leadership stereotypes and emotional regulation and have a short study that I’m hoping you can help me with. I’m looking at both implicit and explicit stereotypes and am using an IAT as well as some questionnaires.
Ken Rotenberg and Rimike Omolekulo - Keele University, UK.
Time to complete - 5 minutes.
The study is on peoples’ confidence in romantic partners regarding sexual and social matters. Based on evolutionary psychology that suggests that men and women are inherently different regarding their sexual-reproductive behavior, this study wants to find out whether this concept of gender differences still prevails in contemporary contexts.
Dr John Barry, Louise Liddon, Martin Seager, and Dr Roger Kingerlee - University College London, UK.
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
Different people cope with stress and worry in different ways. This anonymous and confidential survey is about what makes people decide to seek help and what kind of help they decide to choose. We are also interested in whether men and women make these decisions differently.
Jennifer Anderson - Glasgow Caledonian University, UK.
Time to complete - 30 minutes.
A study investigating public perceptions of child sex offenders
Dr. Fuschia Sirois - University of Sheffield, UK.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
If you have any one of these health conditions, you are invited to participate in a research survey to understand how self-perceptions and personality are associated with health and well-being in the context of living with a chronic health issue.
Please note that this study has 3 different identical forms for each of the 3 chronic health conditions. The full consent form can be found by choosing and clicking through one of the 3 condition links.
Dr. Terri Thorkildsen - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
Our research team wants to learn more about how students balance their time while participating in society.
Dr. Terri Thorkildsen - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
Time to complete - 20 minutes.
Our research team wants to learn more about how students incorporate sport and school in their lives. If you are a student, we hope you can help us understand these issueS.
John Barry, Laura Middleton Curran, Mr. Martin Seager and Belinda Brown - University College University, UK
Time to complete - 15 minutes.
It is normal for people to feel down from time to time, but for some people this may become unhealthy. The aim of this anonymous and confidential survey is to identify the kinds of factors associated with suicidal feelings, and whether these are different in men and women.